The Ethical Code•A Lasting Commitment for a Long-Term Vision
Puig is a family company whose shareholders are driven by strong values, have a long-term vision, and are committed to building a better world.
In 2010 the first Puig Ethical Code was published and established a series of undertakings to reflect the company’s values and the way we do business at Puig. Aware of the changing world and the increasing size and complexity of the organization, the Ethical Code, revised in 2022, sets out a new series of commitments and principles for action based on the values that have been instilled in the company by the Puig family over generations. It establishes how behaviour and priorities at Puig are driven by these values, but also governed by rules, regulations, and boundaries. The Ethical Code is an expression of our company’s culture for today’s world.
It exists to ensure we always conduct ourselves with integrity in everything we do when representing the company and describes the way we live our company purpose.
It is a statement of who we are and defines how we want Puig to be seen around the world.
- Ethical Code • 1.6MBCode Éthique • 1.6MBCódigo Ético • 1.6MBCodi Ètic • 1.6MBKodeks Etyczny • 1.6MB道德規範 • 1.9MB社 倫理規定 • 1.8MB道德规范 • 1.8MBनैतिकता संहिता • 1.9MB윤리 강령 • 1.8MBΚωδικασ Δεοντολογιασ • 7.0MBநெறிமுறை குறியீடு • 1.8MBمدونة الأخلاقيات لشركة • 7.1MBEthische Code • 1.6MBEtikkod • 1.7MBCódigo de Ética • 1.6MBCodice Etico • 1.6MBEthikkodex • 1.6MB
Corporate Core Policies•These policies have been developed to provide detailed guidance on how to interpret and apply specific principles contained in the Puig Ethical Code.

Puig begins trading on the Spanish Stock Exchanges
Puig Evolves Its Visual Identity
Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain inaugurate the second Puig Tower in Barcelona
Puig inaugurates its new U.S. offices in the iconic Rockefeller Centre in New York
Puig recognized as best-performing beauty company at WWD honors
Puig reinforces travel retail ambitions in the americas with opening of a new regional hub in Miami
Puig expands its headquarters in Barcelona with the opening of a second tower