Puig 2030 ESG Agenda•The new roadmap for the whole business integrating environmental, social and governance criteria working towards contributing to two global commitments.
Helping limit global warming to 1.5 °C by 2030
Net Zero
Becoming a net zero organization by 2050
Key Figures and Main Highlights 2023
Global re-evaluation with EcoVadis, achieving a score of 70/100 (+3p), and receiving the gold medal
Global reassessment with Sustainalytics. Score of 20.7 (medium risk), successfully reducing score to near low risk
Second evaluation of the group in the three CDP formats. Score: Climate (A); Water (A-); Forest (B paper), (B palm oil)
renewable electricity in all facilities
of the seven factories sending zero waste to landfill
reduction in fragrance packaging volume vs 2019
of the fleet formed by hybrid or electric vehicles*
*Scope: Fragrances and Apivita
of direct purchase volume assessed by EcoVadis or Sedex
Global commitment
This project is part of a more global commitment by Puig to automate processes to optimize the monitoring of objectives and to be more efficient in decision-making.
In 2022, the gross carbon footprint of Puig was 645,274.34 T CO₂ e (+32% compared to the final figure for 2021).
The increase in the company’s carbon footprint was due to two main factors:
- Increased activity (+28%)
- Incorporation of the three new businesses: Byredo, Kama Ayurveda and Loto del Sur (+4%)
Puig participated in an emissions offsetting program in Brazil, with a positive impact both on biodiversity and on social conditions. In 2022, a total of 15,645 t CO₂ was offset, so the net carbon footprint was 629,629 t CO₂ which means:
- Neutrality in emissions of scopes 1 and 2.
- Neutrality in emissions in production and facilities.
Data visualisation

Unitor REDD+ project
Project created by 15 neighboring states in Lábrea (state of Amazonas, Brazil), the municipality with the fourth highest aggregate deforestation rate in the country between 2008 and 2020.
The members of the consortium cover a total of 99,035.20 hectares of forest area and their objective is to prevent the deforestation of 25,329 hectares of Amazon rainforest in 30 years on private land, conserving permanent preservation areas and legal reserves.
- Monitoring of illegal activities.
- Creation of 52 jobs per year, engaging the local population and community members.
- Monitoring of equal gender opportunities.
- Training focused on sustainable livestock and forest management.
- Health, wellness and nutrition workshops for employees and the community.
- Program certified by the VCS international standard.
The ratio of emissions to net revenue decreased by 6%, which indicates that the reduction curve was consolidated in 2022, a reflection of the impact of the actions implemented.
International standards
To achieve our ambitions goals, Puig integrates environmental, social and governance criteria in its culture model strategy a day-to-day activity. The company is aligned and partners with relevant international standards to assess its performance and improve its impact

To frame its actions towards a more sustainable future, Puig defined its Climate Policy in 2022, setting a clear path to achieving net-zero emissions by 2030. In the same year, the company introduced its Water, Forest, and Waste Policies, further complemented by the launch of its Pollution Prevention Policy in 2024.
These policies collectively address critical areas such as emissions reduction, resource management, and waste minimization to mitigate climate change. In addition, the company revised its Sustainable Sourcing Policy, establishing its environmental, social and governance standards that suppliers have to comply with when doing business with Puig.
Governance mechanisms
Aware of the magnitude of the challenges that the company and society face, Puig have created three governance mechanisms to ensure the success of the 2030 ESG Agenda:
The ESG committee, which reports to the Board of Directors. It is made up of the Chairman of the ESG Committee (also Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Sustainability Officer of Puig) and four members (the Chairman of the Board of Directors and three independent members).
The position of CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer), which is independent from the Vice Chairman role.
The ESG Team, which includes the Vice Chairman and Chief Sustainability Officer, the Chief Operating Officer, the Operations Senior VP, the corporate sustainability and HR teams. This body is responsible for monitoring the strategy and the fulfillment of objectives on a monthly basis. The team is made up of full-time members, who are dedicated solely to their team assignment, and part-time members, who concurrently occupy senior positions in business units across the Puig organization.
Moreover, due to embedded governance model, ESG champions have been appointed to spearhead the implementation of the 2030 ESG Agenda throughout the company.
Modern Slavery Statement
At Puig, as a family company that aspires to leave behind a better world for future generations, we aim to build brands that generate a positive impact on the environment and society. Not only is it important that we improve our environmental performance, but it is also key that we support the diversity of our consumers and communities.
In 2021, all of us together were able to maximize the company’s capacity to have a positive impact, not only in terms of financial contributions but also in terms of the scope of our actions.